We are a family run business and we breed Old England Bulldogs. We have been doing this for just over two years now .We have had four litters and some beautiful puppies . I personally love this breedfor their character and temprment , they mke you smile when you've had a bad day. They are very emotional dogs and pick up on emotion very easy. They are also known for there stubbornness and that is very true.
They also sulk when they don't get there own way and everyone have their own unique character, I wouldn't get a different breed,they are easily trained, walk brilliant on and off a lead and very laid back.
the Old England Bulldogs are healthy and up to now ive not had any health problems the 5 years I had them. This page is so people can take a nosey at our bulldogs and what puppies are available and get to know their personalities.
Whitworthbullies Little Miss
This lady made it all happen , She was our first Bulldog we ever got and she is the reason we wanted to work with them. T illy is now retired she has had three litters all helthy and well.
These puppies below are just 3 of her puppies which we have kept the 2 on tle left Chanel and Rose.